Preslia 93/2 (2021)

Contact person
Romana Štěpánková

New issue of the journal Preslia was published.


Hegedüšová K., Žarnovičan H., Kanka R., Šuvada R., Kollár J., Galvánek D. & Roleček J.
Thermophilous oak forests in Slovakia: vegetation classification and an expert system

Cieślak, E., Cieślak, J., & Ronikier, M.: Phylogeographical structure of a narrow-endemic plant in an isolated high-mountain range: the case of Cochlearia tatrae in the Tatra Mts (Western Carpathians).

Stojanova B., Münzbergová Z. & Pánková H.
Inbreeding depression and heterosis vary in space and time in the serpentinophyte perennial Minuartia smejkalii

Prach, K., Vítovcová, K., Řehounková, K., & Královec, J.: Three decades of vegetation changes in a submontane grassland after the cessation of intensive fertilization.

Preslia, The Journal of the Czech Botanical Society is published with financial support from the Czech Academy of Sciences. Subscription for Vol. 93, 2021 (4 issues) € 100 incl. postage.
