Picris hieracioides (Asteraceae) is a polymorphic species with a complicated taxonomy. Here we report the occurrence of Picris hieracioides subsp. umbellata in the Czech Republic, a subspecies that has not been recognized in modern fl oras of this area. The identity of the recently found population in the White arpathian Mts. was determined based on morphological characters and genome size. Further, 62 specimens matching this subspecies morphologically were found during a revision of specimens in two major regional herbaria.
They originate from various parts of the country, with the highest concentration in eastern Moravia. The recently found population inhabits a mesic tall-forb grassland dominated by Laserpitium latifolium and Calamagrostis arundinacea, a vegetation type hitherto undescribed from the Czech Republic, but scattered in the peri-Carpathian region. We consider this vegetation a relic from the Early Holocene or even Pleistocene forest-steppe vegetation.