Commented phytosociological relevés from the Czech Republic 7

Pavel Dřevojan, Pavel Novák, Jan Doležal, Pavel Lustyk, Tomáš Peterka, Zdenka Preislerová, Vojtěch Sedláček

The seventh volume of the series dealing with remarkable phytosociological relevés provides new data on the distribution, ecology and species composition of eight vegetation types from the Czech Republic. Of non-forest vegetation, contributions include various vegetation types. Ruderal thermophilous communities are represented by rare trampled vegetation with Lepidium coronopus (Poo annuae-Coronopodetum squamati) in Moravia and stands of Berteroa incana (Berteroetum incanae association) recorded at railway stations in eastern Bohemia. Nitrophilous fringe vegetation dominated by the alien herb Myrrhis odorata (of the Aegopodion podagrariae alliance) was recorded in highland and mountain areas of eastern Bohemia and northern Moravia. Its syntaxonomic position is also discussed. Basiphilous scree vegetation with the annual Galeopsis angustifolia (Galeopsietum angustifoliae) was newly reported for Moravia and eastern Bohemia. Two other communities represent monodominant wetland vegetation with Nasturtium officinale (Nasturtietum officinalis) and Carex paniculata (Caricetum acutiformi-paniculatae). Both communities were sampled in southern Moravia, the latter one being novel for the region. Woody communities are discussed in two contributions providing data from areas where they had not been phytosociologically documented. Submontane scrublands dominated by Rosa pendulina (Ribeso alpini-Rosetum pendulinae) are reported from the northern part of the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands. Extraordinary species-poor relict acidophilous pine forests (Vaccinio myrtilli-Pinetum sylvestris) were sampled in the Hrubý Jeseník Mts, Silesia.
