Structure of the Society

The executive body of the Society is the Steering Committee, elected by all members of the Society for a period of five years. The present members (2024-2029) are:

  • prof. RNDr. Milan Chytrý, Ph.D., chytryatsci [dot] muni [dot] cz (chytry[at]sci[dot]muni[dot]cz), Department of Botany and Zoology

Annual reports

information about the Society’s activities in preceding years (only in Czech):

Guidelines for authors of Preslia


Preslia publishes original research papers on plant systematics, phytogeography, ecology, vegetation science and Quaternary palaebotany of vascular and non-vascular plants. The geographical focus is on central Europe, with exception of papers invited to special issues. Also of interest are critical reviews evaluating progress in particular fields. Papers are published in English.


some books


Opening hours

Wed 8 – 12 a. m.

or individually through e-mail: knihovnaatbotanospol [dot] cz (knihovna[at]botanospol[dot]cz)

About the Society

The Society is a voluntary, non-profit organisation associating those who are interested in all fields of botany, both professionals and amateurs. It was established in 1912 (but named Czechoslovak Botanical Society in the period 1919–2002). At present, it has about 700 members.