The fourth volume of the series summarizing remarkable phytosociological relevés provides new data on the distribution, ecology and species composition of nine vegetation types recorded in the Czech Republic.
A thermophilous segetal community (Lathyro tuberosi-Adonidetum aestivalis) was recorded from eastern Bohemia. From southern Moravia, an archaeophytic plant community dominated by Chenopodium vulvaria (Malvo neglectae-Chenopodietum vulvariae), a segetal community with Hibiscus trionum (Setario pumilae-Hibiscetum trioni) and annual vegetation dominated by alien grass Tragus racemosus (Tribulo terrestris-tragetum racemosi Soó & Timár in Timár 1955) are reported.
Annual wetland vegetation with Illecebrum verticillatum (Junco tenageiae-Radioletum linoidis and Stellario uliginosae-Isolepidetum setaceae) was recorded on sandy substrates in eastern Bohemia. The Scheuchzerio-Caricetea class is provided with two contributions. A sporadic occurrence of vegetation dominated by Carex davalliana was recorded in southern Moravia as one of the last remnants of local fen communities. Vegetation of boreal quakingfens of the Stygio-Caricion limosae alliance is reported from northern Bohemia from the Czech territory for the first time.
Finally, we provide two contributions concerning forest vegetation, both recorded in the region Silesia. They deal with Polonian oak-hornbeam forest (Tilio cordatae-Carpinetum betuli) and acidophilous hygrophilous oak forests (Holco mollis-Quercetum roboris).