Preslia - new regime of publishing

As of 2022, the scientific journal Preslia, will be published online only in the Gold Open Access regime, starting with Vol. 94, No. 1.
News and events
As of 2022, the scientific journal Preslia, will be published online only in the Gold Open Access regime, starting with Vol. 94, No. 1.
This year the Czech Botanical Society celebrates its 110th anniversary. On this occasion, an anniversary congress on the subject of the Botanical Research and its Applications will be held.
New issue of the journal Preslia was published. It is the last one issue distributed as hard copy. Starting with issue 1 of 2022, Preslia will be published in the Gold Open Access regime.
The new date of the conference was set for April 2 and 3, 2022 (update 16th January 2022)
Zprávy České botanické Společnosti (Bulletin of the Czech Botanical Society), Vol. 56/1 has been published.
New volume of the Journal Bryonora was published. Contents is attached (.pdf).
Attention - postponement of the conference, for more info:
Topic: “Facebook groups as data sources for plant species monitoring”
Leader: Corrado Marcenò (Department of Botany and Zoology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic)