Preslia 93/1 (2021)

The last monothematic issue of the Preslia journal is focused on the project Pladias (Plant Diversity Analysis and Synthesis Centre).
Bryonora 66 (2020)

New volume of the Journal Bryonora was published. A total of seven papers are issued here.
Contents is attached (.pdf).
Zprávy ČBS 55/2 (2020)

Zprávy České botanické Společnosti (Bulletin of the Czech Botanical Society), Vol. 55/2 has been published.
Contents is attached (.pdf). Articles are in Czech, with English summaries.
Preslia 92/4 (2020)

Latest issue of the journal Preslia 92/4 (2020) was published at the end of the year 2020.
The issue is available both on the website and in hard copy.