Zprávy České botanické společnosti

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(Bulletin of the Czech Botanical Society)

In this journal, papers on various aspects of botany, mostly floristic records, identification keys to critical taxa, and results of vegetation analyses in the Czech Republic, are published in Czech or Slovak (with English summaries). Reports on various activities of the Society, book reviews, and anniversaries or obituaries of Society members are also published.

This publication is available at the digital archive of the Moravian Library in Brno

  • 1966-1993 (published as Zprávy Československé botanické společnosti = Bulletin of the Czechoslovak Botanical Society)
  • since 1994


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Volume 50
Year Issue Page Author(s) Title
2015 2 197 Petr Pokorný, Jiří Sádlo, Milan Chytrý, Lucie Juřičková, Jan Novák, Vojen Ložek Non-forest vegetation of Bohemian Basin: relict origin and anthropogenic transformation
2015 2 201 Jan Roleček, Michal Hájek, Petr Karlík, Jan Novák Relict vegetation on mesic sites
2015 2 247 Libor Petr Paleolimnological localities in the Western Carpathians and their importance for a reconstruction of the Late Glacial and Holocene environment
2015 2 267 Petra Hájková, Michal Hájek, Michal Horsák, Eva Jamrichová Our knowledge of the history of calcareous fens in the Western Carpathians
2015 2 283 Jan Douda, Alena Havrdová, Bohumil Mandák What do molecular data tell us about glacial refugia of Central-European woody plants?
2015 2 301 Petr Kočár, Adéla Pokorná, Veronika Komárková Anthropogenic flora of prehistoric settlements according to macro-remain analysis
Volume 49
Year Issue Page Author(s) Title
2014 1 1 Helena Moltašová, Olga Rotreklová, Jiří Danihelka, Günter Gottschlich, Jindřich Chrtek jun. Hieracium racemosum in the Czech Republic
2014 1 29 Michal Hroneš, Veronika Nývltová, Blanka Brandová, Jan Ševčík, Martin Dančák, Radim J. Vašut Alpine willows (Salix) of the Czech Sudetes - distribution and present state of populations
2014 1 49 Jitka Laburdová, Michal Hájek Relationships between spring vegetation and environmental chemistry in West-Bohemian mineral-spring region
2014 1 73 Jiří Hadinec, Pavel Lustyk Additions to the flora of the Czech Republic. XII.
2014 2 207 Jiří Unar, Pavel Unar Floristic notes from Brno and its vicinity
2014 2 233 Jiří Uher Fringed Loosestrife (Lysimachia ciliata) - an alien species new to the Czech flora: history of its introduction in Europe
2014 2 243 Jiří Malíček, Jana Steinová Vascular plants and lichens of acidophilus steppes in the Middle Vltava Region (Central Bohemia)
2014 2 261 Andrea Gálová, Petra Hájková Utricularia vulgaris in Hodonínská Dúbrava forest
2014 2 273 Iva Zítková Comparison of species composition and diversity of vascular plants and bryophytes in seminatural forests and spruce plantations
2014 2 297 Klára Kabátová, Jan Rydlo, Jaroslav Rydlo Echinocystis lobata on Berounka riverbanks
Volume 48
Year Issue Page Author(s) Title
2013 1 1 Pavel Novák, Jan Roleček New record of Quercus frainetto in SW Moravia and notes on its occurrence in the Czech Republic
2013 1 9 Jiří Kocián Hieracium schmidtii – a 157-year long botanical error
2013 1 31 Jiří Hadinec, Pavel Lustyk Additions to the flora of the Czech Republic. XI.
2013 2 179 Jan Prančl The genus Callitriche (water-starwort) in the Czech Republic. II. C. cophocarpa, C. stagnalis, C. platycarpa, C. xvigens
2013 2 263 Libor Ekrt, Renata Linhartová, Milan Štech Differentiation of Dryopteris expansa and its hybrid D. xambroseae and revision of their distribution in the Czech Republic
2013 2 293 Ester Ekrtová What we can learn about the history of Gentiana pannonica in the central area of the Bohemian forest from its current distribution, habitat demands and historical land use
Volume 39
Year Issue Page Author(s) Title
2004 3 321 Pavel Špryňar Notes on the surprising occurrence of Notholaena marantae and Asplenium cuneifolium on the ultrabasic picrite in Bohemian Karst (Central Bohemia)
2004 3 339 Radim J. Vašut, Martin Dančák, Bohumil Trávníček Bramble flora of Northern part of the Moravian Carpathians (Czech Republic)
2004 3 387 Jiří Brabec, Pavel Honsa Cardaminopsis petraea - rediscovered species of the Křivoklátsko Biosphere Reserve (Central Bohemia)