Zprávy České botanické společnosti

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(Bulletin of the Czech Botanical Society)

In this journal, papers on various aspects of botany, mostly floristic records, identification keys to critical taxa, and results of vegetation analyses in the Czech Republic, are published in Czech or Slovak (with English summaries). Reports on various activities of the Society, book reviews, and anniversaries or obituaries of Society members are also published.

This publication is available at the digital archive of the Moravian Library in Brno

  • 1966-1993 (published as Zprávy Československé botanické společnosti = Bulletin of the Czechoslovak Botanical Society)
  • since 1994


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Volume 55
Year Issue Page Author(s) Title
2020 2 221 Jiří Brabec, Lukáš Krinke, Michal Štefánek, Jan Kirschner, Lída Kirschnerová Recent distribution of Gentianella amarella in the Czech Republic
2020 2 279 Věra Samková [ed.] Results of the Summer School of Field Botany of the Czech Botanical Society in Nová Paka, 30 June - 6 July 2013
2020 2 361 Zdeněk Blahník Species and cultivars of woody plants cultivated in arboreta, parks and gardens at Studenec and Dolní Brusnice, East Bohemia
Volume 54
Year Issue Page Author(s) Title
2019 1 1 Jiří Danihelka The first record of Dracocephalum parviflorum in the Czech Republic
2019 1 9 Jan Doležal, Jaroslav Zámečník New finds of Pilosella taxa in Eastern Bohemia. Part II. – Orlické podhůří and Orlické opuky areas
2019 1 23 Ján Kliment Distribution of dwarf willow (Salix herbacea) in Slovakia
2019 1 47 Pavel Lustyk, Jan Doležal Additamenta ad floram Reipublicae Bohemicae. XVII.
2019 2 157 Michal Ducháček a Pavel Kúr Distribution of halophytic Spergularia species (S. marina and S. media) in the Czech Republic and their expansion along roads
2019 2 221 Ján Kliment Distribution of net-leaved willow (Salix reticulata) in Slovakia
2019 2 243 Karel Boublík, Petr Lepší, Milan Štech, Jan Prančl, Petr Koutecký, Jan Štěpánek, Tomáš Vymyslický, Vít Grulich, Michal Štefánek, Martin Lepší, Leoš Lippl, Milan Kotilínek, Karel Prach, Pavel Lustyk, Jindřich Chrtek, Lubomír Hrouda, Tomáš Urfus et al. Results of the Floristic Summer School of the Czech Botanical Society in Jindřichův Hradec (2-7 July 2017)
Volume 53
Year Issue Page Author(s) Title
2018 1 1 Petr Kocián, Michal Ducháček, Pavel Kúr Tragus racemosus along motorways in the Czech republic
2018 1 11 Jan Doležal, Jaroslav Zámečník New finds of Pilosella taxa in Eastern Bohemia. Part I – Dolní Poorličí area
2018 1 31 Pavel Lustyk, Jan Doležal Additions to the flora of the Czech Republic. XVI.
2018 2 151 Jiří Velebil Rubus placidus, a species new to the fl ora of the Czech Republic
2018 2 165 Jan Roleček, Karel Fajmon, Petr Šmarda Record of Picris hieracioides subsp. umbellata in the White Carpathians and notes on its occurrence in the Czech Republic
2018 2 177 Pavel Dřevojan, Pavel Novák, Jan Doležal, Tomáš Peterka, Dominik Zukal Commented phytosociological relevés from the Czech Republic 3
2018 2 207 Zdeňka Lososová Diversity of European urban plant communities
2018 2 217 Petr Kočár, Adéla Pokorná, Jiří Sádlo Changes in synantropic vegetation of the Czech Republic in Prehistoric times and Early Middle Ages (5600 BC – AD 1200)
2018 2 239 Pavol Eliáš st. Current research of flora and vegetation of anthropogenic habitats in Slovakia. A review
2018 2 271 Pavel Sekerka, Zuzana Caspers Ancient iris cultivars grown in the Czech Republic
2018 2 289 Kateřina Šumberová Wetlands of our towns and villages: habitats, plant species and communities
2018 2 321 Karel Prach, Kamila Vítovcová, Klára Řehounková, Lubomír Tichý Main conclusions emerging from comparisons of a large number of successional series in human-made habitats in the Czech Republic
2018 2 327 Anna Müllerová Succession of aquatic and marsh vegetation in sandpits
2018 2 345 Zdenka Hroudová, Jaroslav Rydlo Aquatic and wetland plants in an area influenced by brown coal strip mining
2018 2 367 Jarmila Kubíková Secondary forest stands growing on deforested soils. How far are they from the natural forest ecosystem?