Josef Holub Award


The Steering Committee of the Czech Botanical Society awards the Josef Holub Award for the best publication by young authors in journals published by the Czech Botanical Society (Preslia, Zprávy ČBS a Bryonora). The award was introduced in 2014, and since 2019 it has been awarded every two years.

The award can be awarded to the first author of an article if he or she is no older than 30 years in the year of publication. The award is decided by a secret ballot of the members of the Steering Committee of the Czech Botanical Society. The award is not awarded if no article in a two-year period meets the given criteria. The award is presented at the General Assembly of the Czech Botanical Society in the following year. The winner is exempted from paying membership fees for one year and will receive the relevant journal free of charge for one year, with the exception of Preslia, which is published publicly on the Internet.

Josef Holub Awardees

  • 2021–2022: Kryštof Chytrý
    Chytrý K., Prokešová H., Duchoň M., Grulich V., Chytrý M. & Divíšek J. (2022) Substrate associated biogeographical patterns in the north-western Pannonian forest-steppe. – Preslia 94: 215–232.
  • 2019–2020: Jan Doležal
    Doležal J., Krahulcová A., Urfus T. & Krahulec F. (2020) Residual sexuality of the apomict Pilosella rubra under natural conditions in the Krkonoše Mts. – Preslia 92: 403–428.
    Doležal J. & Zámečník J. (2019) Nové nálezy chlupáčků (rod Pilosella) ve východních Čechách. Část II. – Orlické podhůří a Orlické opuky. – Zprávy České botanické společnosti 54: 9–22.
    Doležal J. & Zámečník J. (2020) Nové nálezy chlupáčků (rod Pilosella) ve východních Čechách. Část III. – Sudetské mezihoří. – Zprávy České botanické společnosti 55: 207–219.
  • 2018:  Radka Hauerová 
    Mühlsteinová R., Hauer T., De Ley P. & Pietrasiak N. (2018) Seeking the true Oscillatoria: a quest for a reliable phylogenetic and taxonomic reference point. – Preslia 90: 151–169.
  • 2017: Zuzana Fačkovcová 
    Fačkovcová Z., Senko D., Svitok M. & Guttová A. (2017) Ecological niche conservatism shapes the distributions of lichens: geographical segregation does not reflect ecological differentiation. – Preslia 89: 63–85.
  • 2016: Lucie Kobrlová
    Kobrlová L., Hroneš M. & Trávníček B. (2016) Rod Symphytum (kostival) v České republice. I. S. tuberosum agg. – Zprávy České botanické společnosti 51: 221–256.
    Kobrlová L., Hroneš M., Koutecký P., Štech M. & Trávníček B. (2016) Symphytum tuberosum complex in central Europe: cytogeography, morphology, ecology and taxonomy. – Preslia 88: 77–112.
  • 2015: Filip Kolář
    Kolář F., Kaplan Z., Suda J. & Štech M. (2015) Populations of Knautia in ecologically distinct refugia on the Hercynian massif belong to two endemic species. – Preslia 87: 363–386.
  • 2014: Jiří Malíček
    Malíček J. & Steinová J. (2014) Rostliny a lišejníky acidofilních stepí ve středním Povltaví. – Zprávy České botanické společnosti 49: 243–260.

Dr. Josef Holub (1930–1999)

Josef Holub was an outstanding, internationally recognized Czech botanist. He was primarily concerned with taxonomy (including the genera Rubus, Crataegus, Helictotrichon, Filago, Gentianella, Lycopodium, Carex and Pteridophyta). He also contributed to the monograph Flora Europaea. However, his scope went beyond taxonomy — among other things, he was the main author of a high-quality overview of higher syntaxonomic vegetation units of Czechoslovakia from 1967. The excursions he led and his inimitable humour were unforgettable. From 1982 to 1986, he was the Scientific Secretary of the Czech Botanical Society, from 1989 an Honorary Member and from 1990 to 1999 the President of the Czech Botanical Society. He founded the tradition of the Czech Botanical Society’s autumn conferences. With this award, the Czech Botanical Society pays tribute to its former president.