We present a list of 176 lichenized and three non-lichenized fungi recorded in the Sušice and Horažďovice regions of Southwest Bohemia in April 2018 during the 25th spring meeting of the Bryological and Lichenological Section of the Czech Botanical Society. We focused on limestone and silicate rocks and rocky outcrops occurring in this lichenologically poorly known area. Caloplaca epierodens is new to the Czech Republic and Gyalecta geoica is new to Bohemia. One of two known Czech localities of the cyanolichen Placynthium caesium is located in the area. Several other rare and remarkable species were found in the region, for example Caloplaca erodens, C. limonia, Diplotomma porphyricum, Dirina stenhammarii, Lecania cuprea, Lecanora rouxii, Lepraria diffusa, L. nivalis, Leptogium teretiusculum, Lichinella nigritella, Metamelanea caesiella, Psora decipiens, Rhizocarpon petraeum, Solorina saccata, Toninia aromatica and Verrucaria caerulea.
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